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We Want to Hear from You!

The Landlords & Property Manager survey is coming soon.

Help shape what landlord engagement looks like in Cumberland County.

Take the Survey!

Four Ways We Support Landlords

A brand new engagement program launching in the Fall 2024. If you are a landlord in Cumberland County, we are here to support you in the following ways:

  1. Customer Service & Support
  2. Education & Resource Connection
  3. Matching Service
  4. Financial Support
Landlord Resource Library
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Customer Service & Support for Landlords:

Education & Resource Connection:

Matching Service:

Financial Support:

Participating landlords will receive incentive payments for working with a tenant in one of our partnering programs:

  1. New Landlord Sign On Bonus: Landlords who do not have a signed lease agreement with one of our partner programs are eligible to receive a sign-on bonus upon signing a 12-month lease agreement.
  2. Barrier Removal Payments: A barrier removal payment compensates a landlord for modifying their screening criteria for a tenant.
  3. Property Damage Reimbursement: Landlords may be reimbursed for physical damages to a unit through our Risk Mitigation Fund.

Incentives we hope to offer in the future:

  1. Referral Bonus: Landlords will be eligible for a referral bonus when a new that they referred landlord signs a lease agreement with a tenant through one of our partnering programs for a 12-month term.
  2. Renewal Bonus: Landlords will be eligible for a renewal bonus when renewing an existing lease agreement with a tenant through one of our partnering programs for another 12-month term.